Having an email marketing strategy is essential and your company email newsletter should be part of that strategy. You want your newsletter to be opened and read. Here’s how to make that happen:

Start With A Welcome Campaign

A company newsletter should build and deepen your relationship with your clients. The first step to initiating a relationship with new subscribers is welcoming them onboard. Start with a genuine “thank you” to new subscribers. Let them know how grateful you are to them for joining your mailing list. This is also a good opportunity to tell your story and set out your vision. Also, if you promised your new subscribers certain incentives that made them subscribe to your newsletters, make sure you deliver on this promise. 

Personalize Your Approach

Adding a personal touch is always a good idea. Include your reader’s name in the subject line. Also, add your name in the “from” line to let them know the email is from you, not just your company. You can also use the data you gathered from their initial signup forms to deliver personalized newsletters to your audience.

Keep Your Newsletters Short And Simple

People are very busy these days so keep it short! Be selective when choosing what to include –  don’t cram your newsletters with too much information. If your newsletter looks too busy, it won’t be read. You’ll be sending out newsletters on a regular basis so you have plenty of time to include all those ideas you want to get across.

Consider How Your Newsletter Will Be Read

The chances are most people will read your newsletter on mobile rather than a laptop or desktop.  Make sure your newsletter looks great on mobile and across all platforms – iOS, Android, etc. Most email software apps like Mailchimp do this automatically but it’s important to test that this is working properly.

Always Have A Captivating Subject Line

The subject line is the most important thing that determines whether your newsletters are read or not. You should have subject lines that will grab your readers’ attention. Your subject line should entice people in, using engaging words to attract attention. Also, it’s important to go over your subject line to ensure there are no spelling mistakes or punctuation errors, etc. 

Provide Content Worth Reading With Call-To-Action

Your newsletter should contain interesting and relevant information and stories. If it’s just an ad for your business, it won’t be of interest. Keep it simple. If you have to use abbreviations and acronyms, explain what they mean in full. You should also provide a Call to Action in your newsletter. This could be a link to your website or another site providing further information for those who are interested. These Calls to Action should be compelling and easy to find in your newsletter.

Ask Your Email List For Feedback 

Feedback is important – positive or negative. This is what tells you if you are on the right track and whether your audience feels your content is interesting and relevant. 

Let Us Help

bBIG Communications offers strategic and all-inclusive services to increase brand visibility in real time among your core audience and entice customers with highly targeted messaging.

If you are interested in our email marketing programs or would like additional information on our other custom services, please contact Dave Gibson at

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